Research Subject:

  • Monte Carlo simulations of atomic systems
  • Analysis of cluster internal structure
  • Theory of nucleation


    1998-2013 (Assistant Professor)
    Lublin University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics
    Nadbystrzycka Street 38, 20-618 Lublin

    1990 – 1997 (Assistant)
    Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Physics, Solid State Physics Research Group
    Nadbystrzycka Street 38, 20-618 Lublin
    Phd Thesis: Modeling the formation of clusters of alkali halides


    1981 – 1986
    Physics in Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
    Maria Curie-Sklodowska Square 5, 20-031 Lublin
    Department of Theoretical Physics
    Thesis: Resonance states of vector bosons in quantum field theory with spontaneuosly broken symmetry

    1977 – 1981
    UNO Secondary School, speciality: Mathematics and Physics
    Kosciuszko Street 41⁄43, 23-400 Bilgoraj
    1981 Maturity Exam